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Title: Kokeshi Dolls

Date: 12/1/2017

Name: Dhuha Alqahtani

Unite title: Japanese Wood Arts

Unite goals: introducing students to some art projects from Japanese culture

Grade/content Area: third Grade/ Arts


  • Subject/Theme:


This is the second of 5 lessons exploring Japanese Wood art. In this lesson, the students explore Japanese Kokeshi Dolls. This lesson fits into the unit through presenting how to design and paint Japanese doll. The previous lesson provides the students some foundation for this lesson through discussing the Japanese wood arts and Japanese map.




  •  Critical Question: What is Kokeshi Doll? And how to design and pain this doll?  


  • Learning Targets:

  • I learn about the history of Kokeshi doll and its cultural significance.

  • I can use and explore provided art materials

  • I can design my own Kokeshi doll.

  • I can paint my own Kokeshi doll.



  • Standards:


Oregon standards:


4th VA.1.CR1.4

1. Generate and research ideas for artwork that draw upon specific moods, feelings, or themes.

2- Imagine and articulate numerous approaches for composition.

3- Constructively use, explore and manipulate materials and organizational principles to create a work of art that communicates an idea.

“ these standards are fitting well to meet my lesson objectives. In this lesson, I encourage students to search expand their vision towards their art then to find their creative design”

ELPA standards:

  • construct meaning from oral presentations and literary and informational text through grade-appropriate listening, reading, and viewing.

  • participate in grade-appropriate oral and written exchanges of information, ideas, and analyses, responding to peer, audience, or reader comments and questions

  • determine the meaning of words and phrases in oral presentations and literary and informational text

  • make accurate use of standard English to communicate in grade-appropriate speech and writing



  • Content Objectives:


During the lesson, students will be able to demonstrate their understanding of the history of Japanese Kokeshi dolls and the purpose of making these dolls.


Through the lesson, students will be able to demonstrate their understanding of following the directions to design and paint their dolls. Also, students will use and explore provided art materials.


By the end of the lesson, students will be able to apply their understanding of how to design and paint the Kokeshi dolls through creating their own Kokeshi doll.


Language Objectives:


-    Students will be able to orally describe characteristics of Kokeshi dolls.

-    Students will be able to participate in exchanging information, ideas, and questions regarding the design of Kokeshi dolls.

-    Students will be able to orally summarize how the Kokeshi dolls are made.



English Language Proficiency Level addressed:


ELP. Construct grade-appropriate oral and written claims and support them with reasoning and evidence.


Additional Language Demands:

Academic Vocabulary: Hina Matsuri, Kokeshi, Lathe

Syntax: -list new vocabularies inside a table.

Discourse: - sharing the list with the class.

-    Write key words on the board.


Student Assessment:


The assessment will be based authentic assessment and it will be applied in the classroom through following types:

  • Open-Response Questions: to meet this 1st lesson objective “students will be able to demonstrate their understanding of the history of Japanese Kokeshi dolls and the purpose of making these dolls', Students will be assessed through the whole class discussion. The teacher will ask students some open-ended questions such as “how did you today’, what did you learn?

  • Observation: To meet the 2nd learning objective ‘Following directions’.the teacher will assess this part through observation the progress of students during working on the designing and painting steps.


  • Self-Assessment: backing again to the final learning objective “ students will be able to apply their understanding of how to design and paint the Kokeshi dolls through creating their own Kokeshi doll “ students will be provided with Project Checklist  to answer these following area:

  • using the provided materials.

  • using the art materials with care. ( neatness of the project )

  • Designing and painting own Doll. ( creativity )

  • Completion of project.  ( completion)


Preparation & Materials:


Preparing the classroom before the class starts includes following steps:

Classroom setting :

  • Setting up tables in group work and each group consists of 5 students.

  • Preparing each table with art needed materials.

  • Prepare the independent resource table with necessary masteries that assist students to search for the information.  These materials include books, pictures, electronic translation, Japanese Kokeshi dolls.

  • Setting up the technology and making sure the laptop is connected with projector screen  and internet.

  • Preparing powerpoint slide.

( keep three I pads close and ready in case students need for extensions)


For activity tables/ group tables: each table should be prepared before the class with following materials:

-    4 wood body dolls “ 2-3/8 inch ( one for each student).

-    4 Pencils

-    2 paint mixing trays

-    one Acrylic craft paintbox

-    Madge Doge finish matte

-    paper towels.

-          spray varnish


Clean-up tools during and after the project:

-        small trash basket under each table.

-        hand soap  

Environmental consideration:

For student safety, the classroom door and windows will be opened especially during the painting the project.  



Differentiation Strategies:


While this lesson is designed to minimize the berries, and maximize learning opportunities for all students, some differentiation can be helpful tools to meet the individual's needs in classroom. Especially Adam and Cathy ( who have a learning disability; dyslexia) will need to extra help during the lesson especially in finding the best design. Also, English learners such as Nora will need more support during the lesson.


Presentation: those students who dyslexia will need more scaffolding.  So, they will be encouraged to use pictured books if there are interested to find more about designs of  the Japanese Kokeshi doll or any information there are interested in. For English learners, they will be helped through following ways;

- Making key information in the English language also available in first languages of students (e.g., Arabic, Spanish ) with limited-English proficiency.

- Providing electronic translation tool.

- embedding visual supports for vocabulary clarification (pictures, videos, etc)


· Expression: students who can design and draw their own design will be encouraged to do, other students who face obstacles with design and drawing will be provided with assistance.

· Engagement: Allow the student to select their doll design where appreciate.  students will be provided alternatives to the requirements for timing, speed while working on their doll


·  Extensions: if time is available, students will do some online search on types of Kokeshi doll and sharing finding information with teacher and classmates.



Lesson Sequence


12. Lesson Introduction/Set: (5-10 minutes )

Today we will explore a beautiful art project coming from Japanese culture and we will make this art piece by our own design. So, let’s welcome our little guest ‘Little Kokeshi’  who is hidden under a table. Then two student volunteers will search to find the doll then bringing back to the teacher. So, here is our little guest who will tell you about his story and his history.


13 Communication of Learning Targets: (2 minutes )

The purpose of the lesson today is exploring what is Kokeshi doll and how you can create your own Kokeshi doll. Write the learning targets on the board and speak

  • “I learn about the history of Kokeshi doll and its cultural significance.

  • I can use and explore provided art materials

  • I can design my own Kokeshi doll.

  • I can paint my own Kokeshi doll.”


14. Learning Activities:


A- Reading the story “  The Little Kokeshi Doll from Fukushima” to the whole group on carpet. (10 Minutes)

The teacher will read the whole story to students then she will start asking questions about the main character of the story such as “ who is the hero of this story? what does he look like? Does he come from America?” Then, the teacher will present key vocabularies and let students guess the meaning then write the words and definition on board. Later, the teacher will present Kokeshi dolls to students and let them explore them.

B. Designing and creating the doll (30-45 minutes)

Now, you understand the story of Kokeshi doll and the definitions of the keywords so let’s design and paint our own Kokeshi doll. First, let’s check the resources on the table and choose our design. After choosing our design, you’ll go back to your group table and watch a video together how to draw your design on the peg wood. Then, you’ll to create your design. and you're welcome to draw your design in case you don't like any design”. After watching the video,  the teacher will provide students with project steps which are presented in Powerpoint form. And Here are steps

Step 1: pick up one of unfinished wooden peg doll and begin by lightly drawing out your design on the unfinished wooden peg dolls.

Step 2: keeping lightly drawing out the character with a pencil.

Step 3:  painting details of the head first with acrylic paint. Then let it dries

Step 4: continue painting all the rest body of the doll until being satisfied with the way it looks. Then let it dry completely before adding next paint.

Step 5: using a fine paintbrush to add smaller details such as eyes, and buttons and then let it be dried

Step 6: adding a couple layers of spray varnish to protect the paint.


C. Extension: If time is available, students will do some online search on types of Kokeshi dolls and sharing finding information with teacher and classmates.


15. Closure: (10-15 Minutes)


After the completing the project, students will come back to the larger group on the rug.  In order to meet the 1st lesson objective, “students will be able to demonstrate their understanding of the history of Japanese Kokeshi dolls and the purpose of making these dolls’ . Students will be asked to answer some open-response questions such as  “how did you today’, what did you learn today about Kokeshi doll?  


Then each student will show his/her doll and talk about his /her project to the teacher and classmates. Finally, students will receive a Checklist handout to assess their project.


16. Field Notes:


Before, the lesson: keeping in mind that there will be different levels of achievements and some students will need extra help and more time to finish project steps.

After the lesson: This lesson went well but there were some challenges. These challenges were about time management and drawing on the doll. Some students found it’s hard to draw on the doll directly. Thus, if I will teach this lesson again, I will improve time management and I will let students draw on paper first then on the doll.

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